Types of energy efficient office equipment.
  • Category:
    Small Business Energy Savings
  • Published:
    April 5, 2022
  • Updated:
    July 11, 2024

Choosing the Best Energy-Efficient Office Equipment

For most small business owners, finding ways to reduce operating costs is a never-ending task. Adopting the use of energy-efficient office equipment can help you reduce electricity consumption and limit your overall expenses. Holiday and clearance sales can be a great way to save even more by taking advantage of deals on energy-conscious office equipment.

From coffee makers to refrigerators, energy-efficient office equipment offers your small business many benefits. The following suggestions will give you an idea of where to start.

Energy efficient monitor and laptop.

How to Choose the Best Energy-Efficient Computers

When considering the move to more energy-efficient office equipment, start by looking for more energy-efficient computers. Computers are one of the most important pieces of equipment for small businesses. They connect you to your clients both locally and internationally, but they can use a lot of electricity.

Shopping for energy-efficient computers can seem overwhelming.  If you are looking to automate your office, ENERGY STAR has requirements for every small business technology upgrade from desktops and notebook computers to workstations.

Small-scale servers must meet energy guidelines as well. If all the computers sold in the U.S. were ENERGY STAR-certified, we would save more than $1 billion in energy costs annually and about 15 billion pounds of annual greenhouse gas emissions (that’s equivalent to the emissions of more than 1.4 million vehicles).

Energy efficient monitors.

How to Choose the Best Energy-Efficient Monitors

Monitors are also an area where you can incorporate energy-efficiency to your small business office space. Having the right energy-efficient monitors can help you reduce the amount of energy your business uses. In terms of small business energy consumption, ENERGY STAR has a guide to efficient displays to help you find energy-efficient monitors and other office equipment.

Energy efficient printers.

How to Choose the Best Energy-Efficient Printers

The printer is usually one of an office’s most utilized pieces of equipment, so going with a printer that is energy-efficient can save you money. In addition to the standard printer, many small businesses now utilize 3D printers. 3D printer business uses can drastically improve how your business runs, but they can eat up a lot of your energy budget.

For both standard and 3D, look for a printer with an ENERGY STAR certification label when deciding which is the best energy-efficient printer for your office space. The federal agency sets standards that ensure the printer is operating at maximum efficiency and using the least amount of energy possible.

Here are a few office equipment energy-saving tips to keep in mind when shopping for printers for your office:

  • Look for a printer that has a sleep mode and automatic shut-off mode. Both can ensure that the printer is not using energy during the times when no one is printing.
  • Choose a printer with various quality settings — sometimes you don’t need a high quality print version of a document, which uses the most ink and energy. Having options for print quality means you can save on energy and costs.
  • If you find yourself running out to the office supply store for ink more often than you’d like, consider looking for a printer that conserves the ink being used. There are printers designed to effectively monitor ink levels so you never run out during an important project.

Examples of best energy efficient copiers.

How to Choose the Best Energy-Efficient Copiers

ENERGY STAR-certified copiers are the best place to start when looking for energy-efficient copiers for your office. Finding a copier that conserves energy when not being used will keep more money in your pocket that you can invest back into your business.

Here are some other energy-efficient tips for finding the copier that works best for you and your team:

  • Choose the right size copier for your needs. While it might be tempting to save money on a cheaper model, it will likely break down and not operate as efficiently overall. Build in a cushion for growth should your company needs expand.
  • Choose a copier with an automatic sleep mode and shut-off mode to save on energy costs.
  • Finding an energy-efficient copier can free up time spent trying to fix an overworked printer. Resulting in interruptions to workflow and schedules.

Energy efficient surge protector.

How to Choose the Best Energy-Saving Surge Protector

We all understand that surge protectors (also known as power strips) allow multiple devices to be plugged into a single outlet. They are helpful in a situation like a lightning strike, where there could be a sudden disruption or electrical surge. Surge protectors are also useful if you have more appliances than electrical outlets. What you might not realize is that surge protectors can also help save energy. Many devices are using electricity even when they are switched off.

This is known as vampire power. The easiest way to fight vampire power is to unplug devices when they’re not in use. Undoing five or six devices can be a pain, however. Enter the energy saving surge protector. Regardless of how many devices are plugged into that strip, a single flip of the switch turns them all off. By investing in energy-saving surge protectors, you gain the convenience of a single switch and protect against power surges.

When shopping for the best energy saving surge protector, be sure to:

  • Look for one that has a light that indicates when it is no longer protecting your equipment. Surge protectors don’t last forever, and there’s no point having one that’s no longer actively protecting against surges.
  • While it might be tempting to get the biggest surge protector you can, experts suggest that protectors work best if they have no more than 10 outlets on a strip.
  • Avoid going the cheaper route, as inexpensive or poorly constructed models could cause damage to your devices in the event of a power surge.

Best energy efficient security system.

How to Choose the Best Energy-Efficient Security System

A security system is an important asset to your small business. A camera can discourage someone looking to cause trouble within your business. Ensuring the safety of your clients and staff is essential. A smart office security system can protect you and your business.

There are a variety of things to consider when choosing an energy-efficient security system.

  • Look for wireless capability. The convenience of seeing what’s going on from anywhere can bring a sense of security while you’re away from your business.
  • Motion detectors are another great feature to consider when looking for an energy-efficient security system.
  • The cost can differ from a standard security system, but spending a little more can ensure a safe environment for both your business and your staff.

Best energy efficient refrigerator.

How to Choose the Best Energy-Efficient Refrigerator

There are strategies in the breakroom to help with energy efficiency. The refrigerator can sometimes be overlooked when implementing more energy-efficient practices. Standard refrigerators use a lot of energy in order to function properly, resulting in higher operating costs and more money out of your pocket and small business budget.

When choosing an energy-efficient refrigerator, the following office equipment energy-saving tips will help spend less in the long run:

  • Ditch the ice maker and outer door dispenser. It uses up to 20 percent more energy. Consider finding a fridge without these features to reduce your utility bill.
  • Make sure it fits. Measure the area where the appliance will go before purchasing. Nothing is more frustrating than making a big purchase and having to spend time and transportation costs returning it.
  • Look for high-pressure compressors. According to ENERGY STAR, this feature allows for less heat to be used, and in turn, less energy consumption.

Best energy efficient dishwasher.

How to Choose the Best Energy-Efficient Dishwasher

The dishwasher is another appliance that uses a lot of electricity, and if your business has one, you might want to consider moving to an energy-efficient model. Dishwashers require a lot of energy to heat the water they use to clean dishes. If you aren’t sure about where to start, consider this guide to buying energy-efficient appliances.

The following energy-saving tips that can help you focus on what is most important when looking for the best energy-efficient dishwasher.

  • Dishwashers that are energy saving have special sensors. These sensors can determine how dirty the dishes are to decide how much water to use during the wash cycle.
  • Instead of using the heated drying option, consider hand drying the dishes and mugs. This can reduce the amount of energy your dishwasher uses every time you use it.

Best energy efficient coffee makers.

How to Choose the Best Energy-Efficient Coffee Maker

A coffee maker is a definite must-have in a breakroom. Choosing an energy-efficient coffee maker will not only make your wallet happier, but your staff, too. There are ways to make your office caffeine fix more eco-friendly:

  • Look for coffee makers that don’t require paper filters. Instead, opt for energy-efficient coffee makers that have reusable filters.
  • Supply coffee mugs for the office rather than disposable paper or styrofoam cups.
  • If you like to customize your coffee, consider a pod coffee maker. Many pods are biodegradable and better for the environment.

Best energy efficient tea kettle.

How to Choose the Best Energy-Efficient Tea Kettle

If you need a tea kettle in your break room, general wisdom suggests that an electric one would be the best option. Rather than relying on the additional heat source required to heat a stove element or a microwave (which is also heating the mug in addition to the water in it), an electric kettle focuses all its energy on the water itself.

You can further increase the efficiency of your office tea kettle by following a few of these tips

  • Find a tea kettle that automatically shuts off when it comes to a full boil. This will make it clear when the water is ready for use, since an electric kettle doesn’t whistle like a traditional kettle.
  • Don’t overfill your kettle. If you’re the only one having a cup of tea, heat only enough water for yourself.

Being a small business owner, every penny you spend needs to be put to good use. Each expense needs to be carefully considered to keep your small business running efficiently. Taking small steps toward purchasing energy-efficient office equipment can add up to bigger savings for your small business. If you want to replace your computers, consider recycling your old equipment. Funding doesn’t have to be an obstacle to improving your office, as there are small business equipment loans that can be of assistance.

Find out more ways to incorporate business energy saving tips into your organization.

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