small business

Small Business Energy Savings Preparing for virtual Small Business Saturday

Preparing for Virtual Small Business Saturday

Small Business Saturday 2022 is coming up on November 26. With the recent rise in online shopping, participating small-business owners may need to adapt their strategies for the day.

Small Business Energy Savings How small-business equipment loans can help grow your business

How Small-Business Equipment Loans Can Grow Your Business

Because most companies use equipment of some type, a small-business equipment loan is something every owner should consider. It might just be a laptop and a phone, but it could be as elaborate as manufacturing robotics.

Small Business Energy Savings How to recruit employees for your small business

How to Recruit Employees for Your Small Business

Whether you’re taking on new work, dealing with high staff turnover or just looking to bring some fresh ideas to the table, knowing how to recruit employees for your small business is essential. Attracting qualified employees can be a challenge, especially when larger, more established companies are competing for the same talent.

Small Business Energy Savings 11 small-business marketing tips for a summer slowdown

11 Small-Business Marketing Tips for a Summer Slowdown

Slow summer sales are common for many small businesses. But even though revenue may be down, there are ways to take advantage of this time.

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Small Business Energy Savings Summer expenses your small business can cut to save money

Summer Expenses Your Small Business Can Cut to Save Money

If your small business is like many others, summer brings with it a unique set of challenges. It might be your busiest time of year, where you’re moving inventory as quickly as you get it or booking up services all day long.

Small Business Energy Savings How small business owners can save energy with circular economy

How Small Business Owners Can Save Energy with Circular Economy

The circular economy is a concept that’s increasingly gaining in popularity with small businesses that want to operate more efficiently. It’s a new economic model that leads to cost savings and efficiency and that’s also good for the planet.

Small Business Energy Savings how digital transformation can help your small business evolve

How Digital Transformation Can Help Your Small Business Evolve & Save Energy

When you’re considering just what digital transformation is, the topic can seem almost overwhelmingly broad. Digital transformation strategies are having an impact everywhere in business: designing and producing products, managing employees, going to market and serving customers, dealing with finances and risk, and operating physical workplaces.

Small Business Energy Savings energy efficiency programs for your small business

Energy Efficiency Financing Programs for Your Small Business

Financing options for small-business energy efficiency projects make sense for many companies. Energy isn’t getting cheaper, so looking for ways to cut office expenses can affect your bottom line — in addition to being a good thing to do for the environment.

Small Business Energy Savings etiquette signs to save energy & boost your office morale

Office Etiquette Signs That Help Save Energy

Office etiquette is the set of expectations for appropriate employee behavior in the workplace. But it’s more than just good manners and courtesy.

Small Business Energy Savings unique corporate gifts ideas

15+ Unique Corporate Gifts & Innovative Gifting Strategies That Save Energy

The best corporate gifts help your company deepen relationships with clients, vendors and employees. You can use them to show appreciation, as an incentive and to build morale.

Small Business Energy Savings how does weather impact small businesses

The Impacts of Inclement Weather on Small Business Energy Use

How does severe weather impact small businesses? And can you manage risks of severe weather?

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