small business

Small Business Energy Savings Using smart assistants in the workplace

Using Smart Assistants in the Workplace

The use of smart assistants in the workplace is a trend that’s beginning to take off. Once used exclusively to automate and manage homes, smart assistants are increasingly seen as helpful in the workplace.

Small Business Energy Savings How to engage your customers in sustainability

How to Engage Your Customers in Sustainability

Do consumers care about sustainability when it comes to your business? In today’s environment, people expect companies to do more than provide great products and services.

Small Business Energy Savings Recycling your old office equipment

Recycling Your Old Office Equipment

Recycling old office equipment is a growing trend for good reason. Throwing electronics in the trash can negatively impact the environment and may even be illegal in some communities.

Small Business Energy Savings Reducing your small business’s refrigeration costs

Reducing Your Small Business’s Refrigeration Costs

Many businesses could potentially improve the bottom line if they could only reduce commercial refrigeration costs. But that isn’t always easy.

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Small Business Energy Savings water saving tips for businesses

Water Saving Tips for Your Business

Saving water isn’t just important to homeowners and city planners — people are seeking high-impact water saving tips for businesses, as well. This makes sense, given the many ways your business can conserve water throughout your day-to-day operations.

Small Business Energy Savings office security system automation

The Benefits of Smart Office Security Systems

Smart office security is a new approach for protecting your business assets. Your office contains electronics, documents, equipment, furnishings — and most importantly, people — all of which need safeguarding.

Small Business Energy Savings What’s the ideal office temperature

What’s the Ideal Office Temperature?

Do you know what the ideal office temperature is? The answer to that question can kick off office temperature wars that play out at your thermostat.

Small Business Energy Savings How to reduce your small business’s peak demand charges

How to Reduce Your Small Business’s Peak Demand Charges

When you get your electric bill for your small business, you’ll see two big charges: one for demand and one for consumption. When you understand what each of these are, you can make small changes in how you’re using electricity in your business that can bring down your overall bill.

Small Business Energy Savings How to keep your business cool in the summer

How to Keep Your Business Cool in the Summer

High summer energy costs affect your bottom line. And high temperatures in your business can reduce productivity.

Disaster Preparedness Effects of power outages on businesses

Effects of Power Outages on Businesses

Our lives and businesses have become increasingly dependent on devices and the technology that powers them. Businesses use technology like point-of-sale (POS) terminals, smart lighting, smart thermostats and automated inventory tracking to operate more efficiently.

Small Business Energy Savings How to automate your office to save energy

How to Automate Your Office to Save Energy

It can be expensive to keep your small business up and running. From equipment maintenance and repairs to lighting the premises, the costs associated with operating a workplace can quickly add up.

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