When the weather cools, you have a couple of basic options: Turn up the thermostat or, depending on the area you’re heating, perhaps holding off on doing that and instead using a space heater. Using energy efficient space heaters to help keep your home cozy starts with choosing the most efficient space heater that best
If you feel as if your house is never quite as warm as you’d like and you’re not sure why, the answer may lie behind your walls. Inadequate insulation for walls can be a key reason your energy bills are higher than you’d like.
In the boiler vs. furnace debate, many people don’t really know the difference between these types of systems.
The basement is often an easy part of the house to ignore. But there are some improvements you can make to better protect and utilize the space.
So much of life can seem out of our control. Our taxes go up.
The time to weatherize your home for winter is before the winds start to blow and the thermometer drops. But even if you’re late to the game, there are still home weatherization steps you can take to help lower your energy costs and while making your home warmer.
The average household spends $400-$600 annually heating its water, according to Energy.gov.
Whatever your energy needs, we've got a plan for you
If you’re looking for employee engagement ideas and also want to find a way to save energy in the workplace, combining the two can be a win-win for small business owners and employees alike. Workers are increasingly drawn to companies that share their values.
Other than equipment costs, you might not have thought too much about selecting a water heater. But, to get hot-water heater energy savings, there are some factors to consider before you purchase.
Finding and sealing air leaks in your house is a great way to take charge of your energy bill. If you’re questioning whether it’s worth the effort, consider this: The average house has enough home air leaks to add up to a 2-square-foot hole.
Understanding attic insulation types and energy savings You might be very aware of your energy expenses in the living areas of your home, but it’s important to pay attention to the attic, too, or all your hard work could, literally, blow out the roof. The Department of Energy estimates that you could shave 10 to