Energy Choice

Thanks to a growing competitive marketplace, you have more energy choices. Rather than simply dealing with the local utility, consumers in many states now can choose from among a group of energy suppliers and energy providers. With so many options, making those energy choices can seem daunting. We can help you learn how to switch electricity companies and other ways to make switching energy suppliers easier.

Energy Utility vs Energy Supplier

Understanding Energy Suppliers vs. Utilities

Like most of us, you’re probably interested in controlling your household budget. While some of the services in your home such as water, internet, cable television or phone might be pretty straightforward, understanding retail energy might be more complicated.


What are the Benefits of Competitive Energy Markets?

So much of life can seem out of our control. Our taxes go up.

How to Switch Electricity Companies

Not so long ago, each household would deal with just one utility company. The electricity and natural gas arrived in your home; the utility set the price with oversight by the state government’s regulatory agency; you paid the bill.

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FAQ Spotlight: What’s the difference between an energy supplier and a utility?

For years, all of our energy services were provided by a single source – our electric utility company. That company would be your sole point of contact for both power outages and billing inquiries.

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