Energy Choice

Thanks to a growing competitive marketplace, you have more energy choices. Rather than simply dealing with the local utility, consumers in many states now can choose from among a group of energy suppliers and energy providers. With so many options, making those energy choices can seem daunting. We can help you learn how to switch electricity companies and other ways to make switching energy suppliers easier.

What is natural gas used for in homes?

What Is Natural Gas Used for in Homes?

You might be wondering what uses natural gas in a house and why it is so popular. Widely available, natural gas as a residential energy source is used in many homes across the country.

Who is my small business's energy supplier?

Who Is My Small Business’s Energy Supplier?

If your small business is like most, a reliable, affordable supply of energy is critical to its success. But do you know what energy company services your business?

How your small business's energy pricing is determined

How Your Small Business’s Energy Pricing Is Determined

Ever wonder how the prices of electricity and natural gas are determined for small businesses? It’s an important question if you want to understand where your business’s energy costs come from.

Energy procurement strategies for small businesses

Energy Procurement Strategies for Small Businesses

When it comes to choosing an energy contract, small-business owners have a lot to consider. And without performing the proper research, the whole process can start to feel overwhelming.

Who Is My Gas and Electricity Provider?

If you’re responsible for paying the bills in your home, you’re familiar with utilities like electricity, natural gas and water. But if you’re moving into a new place, for instance, you may not know the utility companies for your address yet.

natural gas cost per therm

Average Natural Gas Cost Per Therm

Natural gas is a common power choice for many American homes. It’s versatile, running appliances like clothes dryers, hot water heaters, stoves, and ovens.

why is my energy bill higher than usual

Why Is My Energy Bill Higher Than Usual? Learn What Causes Electric Bills to be High

If the amount on your energy bill seems out of step with what you normally pay, you may be asking yourself “What causes my electric bill to be high?” The answer is that several factors impact your monthly bill, from your daily routines to the price you pay per kWh.

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Lesson Plan: Solar Energy

Lesson Plan: Solar Energy

This lesson aims to introduce students to solar energy. Energy from the sun plays a part in the use of nearly every other source of energy, from wind to biomass to yes – fossil fuels!

Lesson Plan: Natural Gas and Wind

Lesson Plan: Natural Gas and Wind Energy

Wind Energy Wind is moving air. If air is moving, work can be done!

Lesson Plan: Electricity and Electricity Generation

Lesson Plan: Electricity and Electricity Generation

This lesson aims to introduce students to the basics of electricity – what it is, how we use it, and how we can generate it. Electricity is most often generated using a generator.

Lesson Plan: Energy Basics and Energy Sources

Lesson Plan: Energy Basics and Energy Sources

This lesson aims to introduce energy, helps to identify how we use energy, and begins to look closer at what renewable and nonrenewable sources of energy we use in the United States. For each suggested grade band, you’ll see some quick text for reading as well as a worksheet or link to interactive worksheets.

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