When considering small businesses that use a lot of electricity, you will find tremendous variation from industry to industry. Government agencies don’t specifically track what small businesses use the most electricity, but by looking at Department of Energy numbers for industries in general, you can assume small businesses will track along industry lines.
The end of the year is the ideal time for small business energy budgeting. Your current year is wrapping up, providing you with patterns to analyze, trends that may affect the coming year and areas that need improvement.
Consumers increasingly demand sustainable small business practices and want products and services that are eco-friendly. According to a recent PWC survey, almost 85% of consumers report that they are experiencing disruptions in their daily lives due to climate change.
When considering small businesses that use a lot of electricity, you will find tremendous variation from industry to industry. Government agencies don’t specifically track what small businesses use the most electricity, but by looking at Department of Energy numbers for industries in general, you can assume small businesses will track along industry lines.
The end of the year is the ideal time for small business energy budgeting. Your current year is wrapping up, providing you with patterns to analyze, trends that may affect the coming year and areas that need improvement.
Consumers increasingly demand sustainable small business practices and want products and services that are eco-friendly. According to a recent PWC survey, almost 85% of consumers report that they are experiencing disruptions in their daily lives due to climate change.
Money may be flowing out your doors—and windows—if you don’t have adequate sealing and insulation in your workplace. Openings in walls and around windows and doors can waste energy and create uncomfortable work environments.