Constellation Residential and Small Business Blog

Find Your Match: Evaluating Energy Providers


Being set up on a blind date is never fun, and rarely works out (Mom, I’m talking to you!). Who wants to go on a date with a stranger or a date selected for you by someone else? Then why should you get your energy from just anyone, especially when you have a choice? Not all energy providers are created equal, so keep these tips in mind as you look for your perfect match:

Research on your own is great, but don’t forget to ask around. If you’ve moved to a new area, your neighbors or co-workers probably have opinions about the best local energy provider. It is a good idea to call different providers and talk with their representatives so they can answer your questions. Heck, this is a great way to test the quality of their customer service!

Constellation may be an option to consider in your area.

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