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3 Ways to Cut the Boredom out of Your Exercise


Drive to the gym, hop on the treadmill, run for half an hour, then go home. Sounds like a typical workout for you, doesn’t it? A boring routine makes it really easy to decide to skip a day, and quickly fall out of your workout habit. If you’re at risk for workout boredom, shake up your routine and stay excited to exercise all year long!

  1. Mix up (or add) your soundtrack. Listening to music during your workout not only puts you in a better mood (the right pop song will do that), but music makes time pass faster, distracts from fatigue, and motivates you to simply perform better. It’s easier to power through a hard spin class or run a few extra laps when you’re listening to your favorite band. Look for fast, high-energy songs or playlists designed specifically for working out. Spotify has great playlists to choose from (I love the Cardio and Dance Workout playlists) or create your own with the songs that keep your blood pumping.
  2. Vary your routine. If you have been doing the same things day-in and day-out, then it’s probably time to change up your workout. Instead of running on a treadmill for half an hour, try using an exercise bike or a rowing machine. Ask your friends or coworkers what exercises they like in order to broaden your range of workout routines or try using a personal trainer to learn some new moves. If you belong to a gym that offers classes try yoga, spin, barre or pilates one day a week. Varying your exercise routine also prevents your body from getting too comfortable in a repetitive workout, which can make each workout less effective in the future.
  3. Find a buddy. Find someone to go to the gym with you, and you’ve opened up many opportunities to make your workout more fun! A gym buddy will force you out of bed on a cold morning, give you someone to talk to on the treadmill, and challenge you to push harder when you are getting tired. It’s easy to get bored when you are by yourself, so try not to go to the gym alone this year!

Music, variety, and friends can help cut the boredom out of your exercise. Just make sure you’re not spending too much of your gym time adjusting your playlist, reviewing the class schedule, or idly chatting with a friend. You’re there to work out after all!

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