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Easy STEAM & STEM Projects for Kids at Home

Home STEM projects and STEAM activities are effective ways to help your children learn and have fun. STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering and math. Add an “A” for “art” and it becomes STEAM. Both acronyms refer to learning that’s logical, evidence-based, practical and creative. These skills are vital for many high-earning jobs of tomorrow.

What are STEAM activities and how can they benefit your kids?

STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, art and math. The idea builds on the STEM intelligence and skills by adding a creative element to STEAM activities. Exposure to art and creativity encourages innovative and imaginative thinking. Kids benefit from sensory exploration, use of symbols, playacting and pattern recognition that artistic development brings.

What’s the difference between STEM and STEAM projects?

STEM activities help children to understand the natural world through observation and testing, to learn to use tools and technology to accomplish tasks, to figure out how things work and to solve problems with logic and measurement. STEAM projects include a creative approach to STEM education. By engaging both sides of the brain at once, students learn to combine several disciplines and better solve new problems.

Where science meets art: STEAM projects for kids at home

STEAM activities for kids at home blend scientific thinking with creative thinking. These home STEAM projects are fun. But they also encourage learning and lead to cognitive development. And they’re an enjoyable way to spend time with your children!

1. STEAM activities for toddlers at home

These STEAM ideas for kids are appropriate for younger children. Children just beginning to talk enjoy discovering, experimenting and creating.

Recommended activity: Have your toddler inspect their toys

Additional activities for toddlers:

2. STEAM activities for preschoolers at home

By the time your child is in preschool, they’re ready for more challenging home STEAM projects.

Recommended activity: Mix your own colors and paint with your fingers

Additional activities for preschoolers:

3. STEAM activities for elementary schoolers at home

School-age children can take on more involved STEAM projects and STEM activities at home.

Recommended activity: Make your own science kit or inventor’s box

Additional activities for elementary schoolers:

4. STEAM activities for middle schoolers at home

Older children can complete sophisticated STEAM activities at home that foster a genuine sense of achievement.

Recommended activity: Design your own science lab

Additional activities for middle schoolers:

5. STEAM activities for high schoolers at home

High schoolers can conduct serious scientific experiments that validate important scientific theories and mathematical formulas — all with household items — for fascinating home STEAM projects.

Recommended activity: Design a functional product made with recycled trash

Additional activities for high school students

Doing STEM and STEAM activities for kids at home reinforces and expands on what they learn at school. These creative STEAM activities also give parents something fun to offer their kids as an alternative to screen time. More than ever, parents are looking for creative ways to engage their children and possibly limit time on their devices. With these STEAM experiments for kids, you can do that and build the skills they’ll need for the future.

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