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Real or Fake? The Weird Smart Device Quiz

weird smart device quiz real or fake

The popularity of smart home technology is driven by convenience, comfort and energy savings. It’s no wonder the market is responding with cool smart tools and useful technology. But mixed in there are some quirky gadgets that are downright odd.

Given the explosion of new smart technology and strange smart devices on the market, we created this fun quiz to see if you can spot the real smart devices from the fake ones. Scroll down for the answer key when you’re done to see how you scored.

See if you can tell which are real and which we made up…

Go through these descriptions of smart devices and see if you can guess which ones are real and which are fake smart devices.

1) Smart iron: Real or fake?

This smart iron senses when it hasn’t been used and automatically switches off to save energy and prevent damage to garments — or worse — a fire. Smart home devices like this are emerging in nearly every category of appliance.

2) Smart tortilla maker: Real or fake?

Turn this device on remotely when you’re ready to use it. And if you forget and leave it on, it switches off automatically. To make a smart kitchen appliance out of a regular device, plug it into a smart plug.

3) Smart swing set: Real or fake?

This smart swing set actually generates electricity when in use. Outdoor smart home products sales are booming, including robot lawn mowers — it’s a Roomba® for your grass — grills, hot tubs, entertainment systems, lighting and smart home security.

4) Smart tissues: Real or fake?

Smart tissues use tiny embedded nanosensors to track the presence of viruses and bacteria in every sneeze. Another smart technology that can help with the sniffles is an energy-efficient air purifier combined with a smart plug.

5) Smart fork: Real or fake?

Smart forks track your eating habits, letting you know when you’re eating too fast, or perhaps too often. You may think of it as a weird gadget, but smart forks are part of a larger trend toward smart kitchen gadgets and appliances. Having a smart assistant in the kitchen is the beginning. Then there are the smart fridges, smart scales and coffee makers — and more — that bring convenience and energy savings to the kitchen.

6) Smart saltshaker: Real or fake?

Smart saltshakers don’t just measure out salt portions; they offer mood lighting and music at the table — all in one energy-efficient battery-operated device. You can turn off the lamps and sound system and save electricity.

7) Smart makeup: Real or fake?

A sensor-enabled applicator uses smart makeup to give you picture-perfect results as the device takes readings on the healthiness of your skin. It applies extra pigment to cover blemishes and suggests where to apply moisturizer. Other smart bathroom technology includes motion sensors that turn on the lights and smart power strips that connect any appliance to your smart home system.

8) Smart trash can: Real or fake?

A smart trash can will let you know when it’s full, cutting the waste of half-full bags. It will even connect to your smart kitchen system and let you know when it’s time to reorder waste bags.

9) Smart shutters: Real or fake?

Smart shutters connect to your smart home system and adjust according to sunlight, temperature or a schedule you set. Working together with your smart thermostat, smart lighting and energy-efficient windows, they can optimize energy use and keep you comfortable.

10) Smart snow shovel: Real or fake?

Smart snow shovels automatically sense snow depth and consistency, offering a finely calibrated motorized boost to save your back. Another smart device to help you with winter weather are smart thermostats which can bring room temperature to a comfortable level right before you get home. Additionally, weatherizing your home can also save energy that’s otherwise wasted through leaks and cracks in your doors and windows.

Answers for Real vs. Fake Smart Home Devices

So how did you do? Could you spot the fake smart tech among the real smart devices? Below the answer key are explanations of your results.

  1. Smart iron – REAL
  2. Smart tortilla maker – REAL
  3. Smart swing set – FAKE
  4. Smart tissues – FAKE
  5. Smart fork – REAL
  6. Smart saltshakerREAL
  7. Smart makeupREAL
  8. Smart trash can – REAL
  9. Smart shutters – REAL
  10. Smart snow shovel – FAKE

0-3: New-Tech Novice – You’re just getting started learning about smart home technology and have quite a bit of exploring yet ahead.
4-6: Smart-Device Dabbler – You know a bit about smart technology but are still discovering new options.
7-9: Smart-Home Savant – You’ve done your smart-tech homework and know what makes sense for you.
10: Strange-Gadget Guru – You’re a smart-tech fanatic staying up on every new trend and invention.

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